GEOWiZ Consulting

Geological Consulting

  • Geological modelling, mineral resource and ore reserve estimation
  • Exploration, resource definition and mine geology services
  • Plotting including cross sections/level plans and satellite imagery maps
  • Mining software systems specialising in Surpac and Leapfrog
  • Surpac macros - Dynamic Anisotropy Estimation, Export/import to Google Earth, interface to Microsoft Access databases
  • Database management - tenements, exploration data, drill holes, grade control and mine production
  • Neural Network Analysis - using multivariate analysis methods to gain better insights into exploration and mining data

Database Solutions

GEOWiZ have developed a large number of sophisticated databases in Microsoft Access that are being used on various operations around the world. In many cases, the databases have been linked directly with SURPAC eg. ore block grades can be read directly from SURPAC block models into the production system and grades can be tracked to the stockpiles.

Other databases such as tenement and drill holes are linked to Google Earth so information stored in the database can be automatically viewed in Google Earth.

Examples of database systems that GEOWiZ have developed include:

  • Tenement management system - direct link to Google Earth
  • Drill hole database - flexible and easy to use front end
  • Drill hole logging system - link to main drill hole database
  • Core photo management system
  • File management database - specifically for on-line data rooms
  • Open cut and underground grade control and production management system

Presentations & Brochures

GEOWIZ specialze in generating high quality 2D and 3D images for inclusion in presentations, brochures and reports.

Any 2D and 3D vector and raster data can be imported into Google Earth and saved as high quality images or kmz files.

Google Earth

GEOWIZ specialise in taking your exploration and mining data into Google Earth for easy viewing, storage and distribution.

Pretty much any 2D and 3D data can be taken into Google Earth and saved as a kml/kmz file for distributing to intersted parties.

Data from multiple projects can be organised in project folders within Google Earth with any number of sub-folders for storing different types of data

High quality maps can be saved from Google Earth including grids, title blocks with logos, legends and scale.


GEOWIZ has developed specialized training courses for software products used in the exploration and mining industries. These include:

  • GEOVIA Surpac - over 20 years experience
  • Leapfrog - over 5 years experience
  • Microsoft Access
  • Google Earth - developed database interface