November 2020 - NE Tasmania Geological Data in Google Earth
GEOWiZ was contracted by an exploration company to extract all of the geological data layers for the North East of Tasmania from the Mineral Resources Tasmania website and
create a system for displaying them in Google Earth.
The layers included all exploration and mining licenses, reserved areas , mineral occurrences including metadata and links to
reports on the MRT website, all geophysics including magnetics, gravity and radiometrics, geology including 25k, 50k, 250k, and 500k maps with links to the original PDF maps, topography,
geochem data including stream sediments, soils and rock chips, drilling data coloured by the maximum grade per hole including metadata and links to drill hole reports on the MRT website.
The drill hole and geochem data are also stored in an Access database that can be queried to select certain holes or geochem samples which can then be loaded directly into Google Earth.
All of the data layers were setup to be stored on a web server or on a local hard drive for faster access. The final Google Earth kmz file was only 300kb.